October report for Society Culture and Health

3 October 2018


Banwell, C., Housen, T., Smurthwaite, K., Trevenar, S., Kirk, M. The PFAS Health Study Component One: Focus Groups Study draft report submitted to DOH.  Updated report, including Aboriginal community focus groups.

Olsen, A (2018). Going to the doctor to get your script filled: Can online storytelling alter clinical views on people who use drugs? The Australian Injecting and Drug Users League: Canberra.

Conference papers and posters

Leach L, Kiely K, Farrer L, Cooklin A, Butterworth P, Poyser C, Strazdins L. ‘Work at home’ caring for an infant – what are the potential links with postnatal depression and anxiety. International Marcé Society Biennial Scientific Conference. 26-28th September 2018, Bangalore, India.

Impact and engagement

Anna attended a planning meeting with ACT Health, Health Improvement Branch to strategize overdose prevention and naloxone provision initiatives in the Territory.

Jodie presented her exit seminar on 27th Sept 2018.

Ruth attended the RSPH Impact working group meeting, 6 September 2018.

Anna has been working with a large international team on the development of a project around governmental responses to parental drug use. Their EOI for a European Economic and Social Research Council large grant has been invited to the full submission stage.