July report for Data Analysis for Population Health Hub

3 July 2019

New grants/funding

Alice Richardson is lead biostatistician on a $1M grant from the Mason Foundation, led by La Trobe University. The five-year project will establish a data registry and biobank for the study of chronic fatigue syndrome.

RSPH workshops and seminars

DAPH organised a panel discussion that took place in the RSPH seminar slot on Thursday June 20. Titled “Statistical significance: moving to a world beyond p < 0.05”, the panel consisted of Alice Richardson, Grace Joshy and Anton Westveld (RSFAS). A lively discussion after the talks was facilitated by Ben O’Neill.

Outreach and engagement

Alice Richardson presented a guest lecture entitled “Regression Modelling in Population Health” to the students of STAT2008 on Wednesday 15 May. Approximately 100 students attended the lecture in Llewellyn Hall, with another 800 able to view it online in their own time.